Professionalism, discretion and juridification: Social inequality in health and social citizenship

Bærøe K, Bringedal B. I: Aasen HS, Gloppen S, Magnussen A-M, Nilssen E (red.). Juridification and Social Citizenship. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd, 2014: 146-61.

Description of the book Juridification and Social Citizenship (published hardback and as ebook):

The concept of juridification refers to a diverse set of processes involving shifts towards more detailed legal regulation, regulations of new areas, and conflicts and problems increasingly being framed in legal and rights-oriented terms. This timely book questions the impact international and national regulations have upon vulnerable groups (the unemployed, patients, prisoners, immigrants, and others) in terms of inclusion, exclusion and social citizenship. Focusing on European welfare states, as well as lessons from Latin-America, it considers the implementation of the right to health and the role of international courts. This book brings empirical analysis and multidisciplinary, comparative perspectives to the previously fragmented and largely theoretical debate on juridification in the welfare state.

Juridification refers to a diverse set of processes involving shifts towards more detailed legal regulation, regulations of new areas, and conflicts and problems increasingly being framed in legal and rights-oriented terms. What impact do these international and national regulations have upon vulnerable groups in terms of inclusion, exclusion and social citizenship? The nature and effects of current juridification processes are hotly debated amongst social scientists and legal scholars.

Bringing empirical analysis and multidisciplinary, comparative perspectives to the previously fragmented and largely theoretical debate on juridification in the welfare state, this book asks key questions such as: To what extent do international human rights norms secure basic welfare services to vulnerable groups?; How do different regulations affect democratic participation?; What is the role of professionals in the distribution of welfare services?

Researchers, students and academics with an interest in law, human rights, social policy and the role of professionals in the welfare state will find much of value in this book.

Contact us for more information about Bærøe & Bringedal's chapter.

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- Medisinsk skjønn kan redusere sosiale helseforskjeller. Bringedal B. Tidsskr Nor Legeforen 2014; 134: 2320